Support and Intervention
Bystander Intervention

Look and listen to what is happening. Assess your surroundings. Are there others nearby who can support? Can you move to a safer or less stressful place?
Identify options and include others. Work in a team if others are available to assist. Make eye contact with the person being harassed; ask if they want support. Move yourself near the person being harassed. If safe, create distance or a barrier between that person and the harasser.
Observe the person being harassed and offer support with verbal or nonverbal cues. Is the person engaging with the harasser or not? Make suggestions such as “Would you like to walk with me over here?” Then, follow their lead. Notice if they are resisting in their own way, and honor that.
Notify authority figures when when critically necessary. Bringing authority figures into the situation in real time may make the person being harassed feel even more vulnerable.
Stay safe. Refrain from further inflaming emotions in the situation. The goal is to remove someone from the situation safely rather than increase emotions. “It’s not about you” being a hero, but being there for the person.
Practice what you can say or do in response to situations.
Recognize your strengths and limitations. Consider safety and know you can ask someone with more perceived authority or who is more comfortable to say something or you can ask the person being harassed afterwards if there is anything you can do to support them.
Inform yourself of what sexual and dating violence, as well as discrimination and harassment look like.
Don’t ignore the comments and behavior you witness. Silence is dangerous, it communicates approval of the behavior and leaves the victim feeling isolated. If you feel too nervous to speak out, communicate your support with your body. You can also offer support after the incident to the person who was being harassed.
Educate those around you. Patterns of accepted behavior that harm others can threaten our campus culture. Social pressure and organizational consequences drive behavioral change. Use your actions to communicate to others that harming and harassing others isn't accepted at UCCS.
Someone has just disclosed an incident of abuse or violence to you. What’s next?
- Empathize with the survivor’s situation and ask whether or not they believe that they are currently safe.
- Do not overshare regarding your own personal experiences (if you have them).
- Ask if that individual has contacted Campus Police, or would like to, at the time of your conversation.
- It is okay if they are not ready to contact Campus Police. This always remains as an option, even in the future.
- If the survivor is currently with you, offer to call the OIE together.
- Ask the survivor how you can provide additional support.
- (Optional, but best practice) Check in with the survivor at a later date to see if there is anything else that you can do to assist them.
Action Items
Examples of Things to Say
“I know that was really difficult for you to share. Thank you for sharing with me.”
“I can see how hard this has been for you. It’s not your fault. You are not alone.”
“I want you to get the help you need. There are offices on campus that can help; would you like their information?”
Things to Remember
- It is important to communicate empathy and understanding to someone when they are telling you their story of harassment or violence.
- Be open to hearing what that person has to say. It is helpful to simply sit and listen without offering advice or direction.
- Ask how you can provide support to the individual.
- Allow the individual to make their own decisions regarding the next steps.
- Know your limits – Do not attempt to be someone’s counselor.
- Offer to get them in contact with someone that will be able to address their concerns.
- Refer to the OIE at (719) 255-4324.
- Refer to confidential on- and off-campus support resources.
- Avoid victim blaming statements.
Reporting Options
If you or someone you know has experienced unwanted conduct:
You have several reporting options. You can simultaneously pursue an internal complaint and a criminal complaint.
OIE encourages individuals who experience prohibited conduct to report the matter to the OIE as soon as possible. Individuals who wish to report they are the victim of a crime can also report to the UCCS Police Department.
Employees who are aware of prohibited conduct are required to report to the OIE.