Reporting to OIE
Office of Institutional Equity
You can notify the University and talk about different resolution options available through the Office of Institutional Equity. Even if you choose not to report formally or choose not to participate in a resolution process, you can still contact OIE for information and assistance accessing on- or off- campus support services. You can make a report to OIE in several ways:
- Call: (719) 255-4324
- Email: equity@uccs.edu
- Fill out the online report form
Law Enforcement
You can choose to contact the police and file a criminal complaint with law enforcement. There may be several policy agencies that you can contact including:
- UCCS Police: (719) 255-3111
- Colorado Springs Police Department: (719) 444-7000
- El Paso County Sheriff's Department: (719) 520-7100
UC Health Memorial Hospital
SANE exams are offered through the central location emergency room 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Students that are unable to find transportation to UC Health Memorial Hospital on their own may contact Yellow Cab at (719) 777-7777.
Contact information for UC Health Memorial Hospital is:
UC Health Memorial Hospital
1400 E. Boulder St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Confidential Reporting
If you are not sure if you want to initiate a University resolution process or make a police report, you can receive confidential information and services through the following resources:
- Students can contact the University Wellness Center at (719) 255-4444
- Employees of UCCS can obtain confidential services through the Colorado State Employee Assistance Program: https://cseap.colorado.gov/ or 303-866-4314.
In Case of Emergency
Call 911 or Campus Police 719-255-3111 in an emergency or if you have an immediate safety concern.
A report of sexual misconduct, protected class discrimination or harassment, or related misconduct may be pursued in different ways. Depending on the nature of the alleged conduct, a potential complainant may pursue a criminal process, a University process, both processes, or neither process. They may also decline to notify authorities.