Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


Does my complaint have to be based on on-campus behavior?
Does my complaint have to be about the conduct of a UCCS student or employee?
What does the investigation process look like?
Can I have an advisor throughout the process?
Do I have to be a student to make a complaint?
What prevents retaliation against Complainants?
Can I record my interview with the Investigator?
How will I know what is happening with my complaint?
Will I find out what happens?
What are some examples of sexual misconduct?
Do I have to report this to the police?
How many people am I going to have to talk to?
What if I don’t know who did this?
What if I don’t want the person to get in trouble?
Who is going to find out?
Why can’t you guarantee confidentiality?
What about my privacy as a student?
Who will explain the University's response?
What if I decide not to make a formal complaint or the University decides not to conduct a formal investigation?
What are Support Measures and when are they available?
What if the court or police dismiss my case?
What if I have a pending court case?
What happens after the appeals process has been exhausted?
Why can’t my lawyer represent me in the process?
What if I have been accused?
Do I get a live hearing?